Frequently asked questions

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Reach out to us.

How do I use AdKick?
Etiam urna ex, vehicula a luctus nec, facilisis non quam. Quisque mi purus, mattis at ipsum quis, egestas lobortis diam. Nam eleifend lectus vel lorem pretium pretium. In facilisis placerat finibus. Fusce ex velit, vulputate nec lectus ut, volutpat maximus augue. Sed nec nisi ante.

List your Ad Space with Adkick

If you own traditional or unique advertising space and would like to try a new way of making an income from your space, why not list it on adkick? It's quick, simple and free to list; we only charge once the space has been booked. The need for advertising space is ever increasing, so why not be a part of this growing market today. For more information, please see "Listing a space"

Have a question or want to find out more?

We're always here to help with answering your questions and providing you the information you need in plain english, no jargon!